Monday, March 24, 2008

Oklahoma City Restaurants Review

You can imagine my surprise and delight when I stumbled upon this review that was written about A Spot For Tea. The source is but the point of view is the wife (Haley) of the creator of the "shady restaurant series", Andrew Littleton. You can read the review here and she even gave us four stars. All of this to say, you never know who is going to be walking in the doors and every single day is an opportunity to make a new friend.

One of the comments to the review states "I consider Andrew a master of wit combined with Honest Abe's approach to real food versus mass production "chain" restaurants. Now he adds the girly approach (via his wife) to those who rather live in a safety net with a spot of yummy tea. To the readers this offers a wider range of choices depending upon mood of the day. I love it! I hope these two throw caution to the wind and continue to rescue the public from the "chains" of boredom. Congratulations! submitted by Charlene C. Imholz

Which brings me to the point about having a family owned business versus a chain franchise. When you walk through our front doors we hope that you feel the essence of all that we believe to be important. Every last detail from the menu to the tea selections is all with the customer in mind. It is our passion to "bring you joy in a teacup".

Originality is a dying art form with mass produced everything. To find a place "where everyone knows your name" and to be welcomed in by a familiar face seems incredibly hard to find these days. We all want to feel a sense of connection, to be known, and for someone to care that we're there. I keep track of our loyal customers....they are our friends...if I haven't seen someone in a while I make a mental note. If I see a familiar face I like to go up to the table and chat and find out how they are. This is our extended family...our customers.

3 John 1:14 "I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name."

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