Friday, March 28, 2008

Instant Society

"We live in an age of acceleration, in an era so seduced by the instantaneous that we're in grave danger of losing our ability to wait. Life moves at a staggering pace. Computers yield up immediate answers. Pictures develop before our eyes. Satellites beam television signals from practically anywhere, allowing far-away images to appear instantly in our living rooms. Complex life issues are routinely introduced, dealt with, and solved in neat thirty-minute segments on tv. Space travel, fax machines, instant coffee, disposable diapers. In ways large and small, we're all encapsulated in a speeding world. We're surrounded by express lanes, express mail, express credit. There aren't just restaurants, but "fast-food" restaurants; not simply markets, but "jiffy" markets. Faster is better. Ask anyone."
When The Heart Waits - by Sue Monk Kidd

"You see, if you insist on instant, you'll get your tea, but you'll miss one of tea's most beautiful benefits - the blessing of slowing down to enjoy it. You'll be having your tea but losing the opportunity to stake out an island of calm serenity in that chaotic ocean of daily life."
If Teacups Could Talk - by Emilie Barnes

At A Spot For Tea we invite you to take a time out. The act of making and drinking tea forces us to slow down - our soul desperately longs for refreshment. Just like in child birth it takes nine months of waiting before the baby arrives. Good things take time to incubate and that makes us even more aware that God has a plan and sometimes we must wait to see the full revelation of it coming to pass.
Psalm 33:11 "But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,
the purpose of his heart through all generations."

The picture above is 3 generations having tea at a shower for baby Holland that was born March 24th extending the generations to four.

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