Tuesday, April 1, 2008

5 Year Anniversary

Five years ago today on April 1st (April Fools Day) we opened the full-service version of A Spot For Tea. Eric and I have learned many lessons since that first day. Most of all that we could never do this by ourselves. We would also like to thank our customers for their loyalty and support.
Eleven of our eighteen emplyees were here for this photo opportunity. I would like to say thank you for all the ways our staff has made A Spot For Tea a favorite place to visit for many of our customers. They each add so much to our lives and this business.
First row: Ashlie Cravens (manager), Pam Bahan (hostess), Tammy Seibert (owner)
Second row: Sherry Sloan (server), Charlotte Moore (server)
Third row: Michelle Reasoner (server), Ann Simonton (server) Tawny King (server) Della Snyder (server)
Fourth row: Andrew Roberts (dishwasher) Melinda Roberts (second chef) Autumn Caudillo (head chef) and Eric Seibert (owner)
Not pictured: Bianca King (server), Kristen Keyser (server) Maryerle Combs (hostess), Alisha Johnson (pastry chef) Cheyenne Santos (server) Lauren West (server).
God always has been faithful to bring in just the right person at the right time. It has only been with God orchestrating each detail that we have survived for 5 years in a business where most restaurants have a 90% percent failure rate in the first year.
Phillippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

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