Saturday, March 22, 2008

One Thousand Tea Parties

This is Miss Clare's Tea Party that was held at 11:00am on March 22nd, 2008. She is the official 1000th Tea Party Girl. It was her second party with us. We've hosted her 5th and 6th birthday party.
"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more commonplace than
unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent."
- Calvin Coolidge

Today at 11:00am I will host my 1000 Dress Me Up Tea Party in the Rose Cottage. Even as I write this I'm thinking back to my first tea party that I gave to Brittany Atterbury at her home. Her mom saw my brochure as it was being printed up and said she knew this was what she wanted to give her daughter for her birthday. The first year of giving tea parties I did this out of a trailer and set up the tea party in the girls home. It took us an hour to set everything up. It was alot of work taking everything in. It was alot of hard work..and I consider part of it as paying my dues. How badly do you want something to succeed?

I've taken pictures of every single party since then and they are all in order by date and time in many photograph albums upstairs on a shelf in the Rose Cottage. I still can't believe 1000 tea parties. When I began the journey I never understood the power and opportunity God was giving me to touch this many families lives. Some families I've had multiple parties for each child. Some families I've had 3 siblings each have their tea parties with me. I've said that now I pray and hope that I will host some of their bridal showers and cater their weddings and hopefully, pull out the pictures of when they were here and we shared some special memories. You can never underestimate history or connection.

"Perseverance in life is being steadfast; persistence is being stubborn. Persistence is grittier than perseverance. Perseverance is achievement's perspiration. persistence is sweat. Persistence is knocking on Heaven's doors so often and so loudly on behalf of your dreams that eventually you'll be given what you want, just to shut you up. "
- Sarah Ban Breathnach

I've always said that the one good quality that I possess is I'm like the ocean that keeps rising up and down, pounding the shore until I wear down whatever I'm going after. The stubborn but patient child that wears you out, which is why you end up in the end giving in and shaking your head as you give her what she wants. I would not give up on the dream in my heart. I would not give up.

If you are determined to gather life's honeyful reward, to stick your hand into the hive again and again, (to put on your tea party hat one more time) to be stung so many times that you become numb to the pain, (to give up your Saturdays so that you are making it special for someone else) , to persevere and persist till those who know and love you become unable to think of you as a fairly normal woman, you will be called successful.

When I give my 1000th tea party today there will be no trumpets...there will be no rewards but in heaven, I know that God is smiling. Smiling because I didn't give up and smiling because He gave me what I asked for. A Spot For Tea is a dream come true for me.

Romans 5:2-5 "And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."


  1. Dear Tammy and Eric:
    Loved reading your blog! Congratulations on your achievement of 1000 parties! May God bless you and your business in the year to come! Your fans in Buffalo send their love!

  2. Tammy and Eric,

    I can remember when you first told me your dream of "A Spot for Tea" and the things that has happened since that time is just amazing. I wanted to say W0W!! to thousand parties. I am so proud of you, for your desire and hard work to make "A Spot for Tea" a reality.

