Friday, June 7, 2024

Silent Retreat - January 5-8, 2024

Silent Retreat
January 5-8, 2024
Ft. Smith, Arkansas

I went on a 45 hour Silent Retreat to begin 2024.  We checked our phones in and were able to journal, paint, read and restore with the Lord over the weekend.  No electronics allowed.  Our spiritual retreat was led by September James.  I had never gone this long being silent but I was eager to hear what the Lord wants to say to me for 2024!

"In repentance and rest is your salvation.  In quietness and trust is your strength."  Isaiah 30:15
"And you shall find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:29
This is one of the pencil drawings I did.  Rest For Your Soul

September gave us the Living Fearless Book by Jamie Winship.  I can't recommend this book enough for those who want to know more about spiritual identity.  

"I will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, And its leaves do not wither, And whatever I do, I will prosper." Psalms 1:3
Firmly Planted another drawing by me

We stayed near a lake and beautiful state park in Arkansas.

Lots of hiking

Collage I made

All the retreat participants.
So fortunate to begin the year in silence.

God gave me a word during this retreat.
He said I was a Creative Joygiver.

He also gave me this scripture:  
"The Master said to him, 'Well done good and faithful servant.  You were faithful with a few things.  I will put you in charge of many things.  Enter into the joy of your Lord." Matthew 25:21


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