Saturday, August 20, 2022

Congrats Eric Fiegel and Maddie Baehre - Waldorf Astoria in Chicago 6-11-22 Part 1

Our nephew and Eric's Godson,
 Eric Fiegel
got married to Maddie Baehre in Hawaii during the Pandemic.

They had their beautiful reception on 6-11-22
at the Waldorf Astoria in Chicago 
and the Eric and the boys were ablt to attend.

Eric and Benjamin enjoying the reception with
 Eric and Maddie at the Sweetheart Table.

Brock, Eric, Blake and Benjamin

Blake and Eric

Ben, Eric, Maddie and Blake

Ben, Eric, Maddie, Eric and Blake

Dinner Reception

Blake toasting the couple

Tables all set and ready for guests

The boys


Beautiful cake picture

Brock, Blake, Paul, Gretchen, Ben, Susan, Larry and Eric.

Wishing Eric and Maddie many years of love and happiness.


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