Thursday, April 8, 2021

The March Show - Opening Reception & Awards Show - Women in History at The Paseo Art Association

It was an honor to be chosen in The March Show- Women In History
at The Paseo Art Association

My painting Weaving A Cocoon was selected.

"Today I want to weave a cocoon of dreams around me like a warm cloak."

Eric and I, Blake and Madi and Montana and Dave at The Other Room to celebrate

My co-partner in crime Marcie Everhart.

Marcie's photography was also selected.

We didn't win any awards but we sure had a great time supporting the arts.

Montana came all the way from Arkansas to celebrate with me.

Eric and I together in front of my painting.

With our masks

Picture posted from Marcie of Montana

on our way

My sweet friend Mandy Stewart gave this to me as encouragement.

Darrin Presley, me and Marcie. 
Darrin is an awesome photographer that encouraged Marcie and I to enter.


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