Saturday, June 13, 2020

Richard Pyle's Memorial Service at Walnut Creek Chapel on 6.12.2020 - Rev Tracy Evans - Memorial Presbyterian Church

 Richard Pyle's Memorial Service
at Walnut Creek Chapel
on 6.12.2020
Rev Tracy Evans - Memorial Presbyterian Church
David Henserson
Tammy Seibert - Coordinator

 Julie (Wife of Richard), Fiance, and (Daughter) Rachel
 Sign In book
 Masks, Hand Santizer and Tissues

 Rev. Tracy Evans - Memorial Presbyterian Church
 David Henderson speaker
 OSU Stadium

 String of pictures
 Beautiful flowers and plants
 Tail Gate SNACKS

 Lemon Tarts and Texas Sheet Cake

 Buntini in Red Velvet, chocolate and vanilla
 Memory Table

 Sigma Kappa Sisters (13 of us)
Pistols firing for Rich...even if we graduated from UCO
Facebook collage by Tammy

Beautiful tribute that Julie made so personal with all of her special touches.

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