Thursday, June 27, 2019

Shelby Bishop and Zachary O'Neal-Royal Blue Walnut Creek Chapel Wedding/Reception Est. 6.7.2019 - Dr. Gene Nease - WCChapel Minister

 Shelby Bishop and Zachary O'Neal
Mr and Mrs O'Neal
Thank you for allowing us to assist you
in you Walnut Creek Chapel Ceremony
Est. 6.7.2019
Dr. Gene Nease - Minister
Charlotte Nease - Coordinator
and Staff
Wishing you much Happiness

 Guest Sign In

 Unity Candle

 Dr Gene Nease officiating the ceremony

 First Dance
 Cake Table
 Bridal Cake by Sweete Connections

 Toasting Glasses
WCChapel Venders: Dr. Gene Nease - Minister, Charlotte Nease - Coordinator,
David Briscoe, Musician, Sweete Connvection - Preferred Cake Designer, Susan Taunton,
Superior Linens, A+ Entertainment - Preferred DJ/Owner-Chris Cox,

Other Venders: Nick Baker - Photographer, Nick's Clicks OKC.

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