Thursday, November 1, 2018

Michael Baldauf married Courtney Erickson on October 6, 2018 in Buffalo, New York - Part 2 (the ceremony)

 Our 3 sons all dressed up in black tie and ready for the wedding

 Eric and Tammy ready to go pick up Eric's dad for the wedding.

 Brock, Ben and Blake with Papa Seibert
 Eric, Brock, Ben, Blake and Tammy with Papa Seibert
 Eric, Susan and Sarah with Papa Seibert
 Cindy and Tim with Papa Seibert

 Jessica, Lindsey, Nancy and Ed with Papa Seibert
 Our family so excited to celebrate this event.
 Lighting a candle for Eric's mom Helene Seibert
 Eric and Tammy in front of the Buffalo picture
 Courtney and Michael at St Joseph's 
 Congrats Mr and Mrs Baldauf
 Gretchen and Paul coming down the aisle of the church
 Ben, Blake and Brock with Uncle Tim at the church
 Beautiful after being announced husband and wife
 Statler City Reception
 Beautiful stunning reception and dinner menu
 The cousins enjoying the reception

Congrats Michael Baldauf
 Brock and Ben
 Blake and Eric
 Jessica, Sarah and Lindsey
 The cousins:   Blake, Eric, Brock and Ben

 Tim, Matthew and Hannah
 Matthew, Hannah and Cindy

 Gretchen (Eric's sister and MOG) putting necklace on granddaughter Hannah

 Brock Ben and Blake

 Ben and Brock
 Eric, Brock, Blake and Ben
 Tammy and Sarah

 Eric, Brock, Blake, Sarah and Ben
 Blake and Sarah

Congrats Michael with his groomsmen

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