Thursday, May 19, 2016

Christina Gustas & Warren Cunningham Lavender, Orange and Plum Walnut Creek Chapel Wedding on 5.7.2016 - Dr. Gene Nease - WCChapel Minister

 A Beautiful May Day for a Wedding at Walnut Creek Chapel
Christina Gustas and Warren Cunningham
 Bridal Bouquet
 Dr Gene Nease officiating the ceremony

 Christina and Warren in the gardens
 Making it official signing the license
 Gregory - (Brother of Bride) played Canon in D-
Duet with the "I Pad" Recorded Music
So wonderful and such beautiful music.
Great Job Little Bro


 Christina with her bridesmaids in the gardens

 Bridesmaids with Warren

 Warren and his groomsmen in the gardens

 Cunningham Wedding Party

 Exit into the Limo
Facebook collage by Tammy

Best Wishes and Congratulations
to Mr and Mrs Cunningham
Thank you so much for choosing
Walnut Creek Chapel for you " I DOS"!
Venders: Dr. Gene Nease - WCChapel Minister and Co-Owner, Charlotte Nease - Wedding Planner/Coordinator, and Blogger, Judy Moninger - Pics and Co-Owner, David Briscoe, Musician,
Tammy Seibert - Facebook Pics.
Other Venders: Floral Fusion at Up Town Grocery - 405-509-2700, Katura Tiger - Photographer, Mike - Videographer, Reception at Brides Parents Home, Honeymoon - Caribbean. 

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