Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fraternal Order of Linksmen (F.0.0.L.s) Golf Group Christmas Dinner at Walnut Creek Chapel on 12.9.2014- Hosted by Gene & Charlotte Nease

 F.O.O.L.s and their special Guests for the Evening

 Going to the Dogs Golfing

 These Five Men are the group "Senior 80 plus" GOLFERS
 Buffet: Italian Herb Chicken Breast,Beef Medallions w/Mushrooms, Italian Green Beans, New Potato Casserole - Potato Bar w/ Toppings, Crisp Green Salad w/Ranch or Poppyseed Dressing and Warm Croissant Rolls with Butter

 White Chocolate Bread Pudding with White Chocolate Sauce
Staff: Janice Stone - WCChapel - Hostess, Charlotte Nease - Co--Owner/Blogger,
Tammy Seibert - A Spot for Tea - Owner/Caterer,

with her husband Eric and Daughter of Gene and Charlotte Nease.

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