Saturday, September 13, 2014

Taylor Goodness & Jerick Johnson's Proposal at Walnut Creek Chapel on August 29, 2014

 Jerick Johnson wanted to surprise Taylor Goodness with his proposal.
So they drove from Elk City and he told her they were going to stop by a chapel to look at it on the way to the OSU game in Stillwater.
 Taylor had no ideas when Jerick dropped to one knee that he was about to ask her to marry him.
 Also she didn't know that the ring he was putting on her finger was the ring she sold to someone else or so she thought.  Taylor works for a jewelry store in Elk City.
 She said a big "yes"
 They were both delirious with happiness
And I will get to be their wedding coordinator at Walnut Creek Chapel on January 31, 2015.

Congratulation to Taylor & Jerick!

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