Thursday, June 5, 2014

Highlights of Blake Seibert's Senior Week at Putnam City North 2014

 Blake Seibert's Senior Picture taken by Sherry Lynch
 Oklahoma State 6A Baseball Championships
PC North vs Bishop Kelley

 Instagram Picture #pcnorthbaseball
 Connor Finkhouse, Blake Seibert and Mitch Covey in the outfield
 Brother Brock Seibert watching his brother
 Librarian's love Blake and made him his own special Private Viewing Room
 Blake and Paeton dress up for Senior Incognito day 5-14-14 which is also Paeton's 18th birthday.
They went as Anakin and Padme.  May the Force be with You!
 Senior Brunch in Edmond
 Blake's Commencement Ceremonies
Sunday, May 18, 2014
 Putnam City North Graduating class of 2014
 Blake and Mimi
 Blake and Tammy
 Tammy, Blake & Eric
 National Honor Society and graduating with a 3.98 GPA
 Proud Mom moment
 Mimi, Blake and Papa
 Montana, Blake and Zach
 Ben, Blake and Ty
 Paeton's parents, Paeton and Blake
 3 amigos Brock, Blake and Ben Seibert
 Our cousin Haley Gunkel and Blake
 Go Panthers
 Blake waving on entrance
 Graduating class
 Paeton McCubbin getting her diploma from Becky Haliburton
 Blake on stage
 Blake Seibert getting his diploma from Becky Haliburton

 Blake on the big screen
 Close up of my blue eyed graduate

 Facebook collage of graduation
 Facebook collage of dinner afterwards with family and friends
First day of Kindergarten and last day of high school.
I've enjoyed every moment of being your mom.
You are a gift and a treasure and I am so proud of you.
I love you Blake.

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