Wednesday, November 2, 2011

20th Anniversary

Deep Fork Grill

5418 N. Western

Eric and I celebrated our 20th Anniversary on November 2, 2011.

We had a quiet evening out and dinner at the Deep Fork Grill. They sat us in an enclave that was like a little separate room all to ourselves. It was a very chilly blustery evening and there was a roaring fire in the fireplace. Very romantic and cozy with deep red walls. I had the cedar planked salmon and Eric had steak. The food was delicious but the atmosphere was even better.

Eric and I always try to reconnect and remember what brought us together. 3 boys later and alot of living done inbetween has taught us some valuable lessons. Loving someone and committing to someone is hard work. You can't take one another for granted and you have to be thankful. A heart that is filled with thanksgiving rarely has time to complain.

The art of living is always to make a good thing out of each moment you are given.


  1. Happy anniversary! Love thinking about how you are an example of a loving, Christian couple to all who know you. May God bless you always!

  2. Happy anniversary! May God bless you always!
