Thursday, May 25, 2017

Arts Festival 2011

Blake, Hannah, Tammy & Hannah

The last few years I pack a picnic lunch and blanket and we hang out all day enjoying the fun and festivities...we even pack a frisbee. It was a beautiful day in downtown OKC.

Picnic Menu:

Baked Chicken, pasta salad, ramen noodle salad, fresh fruit and cheese & crackers.

Lindy says I'm very Georgian...packing the picnic basket...really southern....but sorry, no fried chicken.

Blake and baby Zane

Lindy & Tammy
(Our friends John and Lindy and their baby Zane joined us.)

Blake and Hannah

Eric, Blake and Hannah

We saw our good friend Nathan (he washed dishes at the tearoom for us for two years). He's like one of our adopted kids and his girlfriend Madeliene with her mom and sister.

OKC Arts Festival

Ben and Brock picking flavors for snow cones

Look mom....luau in my mouth!

Benjamin....enjoying the moment.

John and Lindy...thanks for the treat for Ben and Brock.

Our boys love baby Zane.

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