Friday, January 14, 2011

January Reading

I am reading this book Faith and Will - Weathering the Storms In Our Spiritual Lives by Julia Cameron.
"It is seeking to cooperate with God's agenda for our life that we come to some sense of peace. Is it too much to think that God has no agenda for each of us? I don't think so. Again, a look at the natural world tells us of the exquisite particularity of God's care. The Daffodil is given just what is needs to grow and we are asked only to cooperate. "

" We, too, are given precisely what we need to grow and we are asked only to cooperate. We must be willing to be either the Daffodil or the Violet, according to God's will for us. We so often do not see the lineaments of our own character as it is being formed. We have an idea of ourselves that may be counter to what God's idea for our self is. I am in the midst of discovering this for myself right now. "
I, too this January am seeking to cooperate with God.

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