Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Goodbye Della

Tea Server Della Snyder

Today I said goodbye to a 6 year employee and a friend. Many of you who visit A Spot For Tea have been served tea in the Queen's Room and in the Red Room by Della. I told her today as we hugged goodbye that A Spot For Tea became what it is today in part because of her and her willingness to serve others with the love of Christ.

Many times I would pull into the parking lot and Della would be sitting in her car praying for A Spot For Tea and the day ahead before she walked through the doors. One thing I came to love about Della was her ability to pray for whatever season or emergency we were going through. She truly was a prayer warrior for the tearoom and for me personally.

Della's husband Ted, worked for a contractor that worked for Homeland Security and he recently got transferred to Corpus Christi, Texas. Della will soon be living on the beach in South Texas. We will miss her very much.

How do you say thank you for that?
Della you exemplify Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with your heart, as working for the Lord not for men."


  1. How sad for you Tammy! What wonderful employees/friends that care enough to pray for our businesses...I am sure she will continue to pray for you...but I know you will miss seeing her on a regular basis! Donna

  2. I found your blog as I was looking for a spot for tea on my way to MO from TX. I enjoy visiting tea rooms when my husband and I travel. I read your post about Della and thought that maybe this is not a coincidence. My daughter lives in Corpus Christi and if Della needs anyone to connect with she would be the lady to meet. I will be stopping by for lunch on Wednesday,June 16.I look forward to possibly getting to meet you.
