Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Spring Break 2010 in Grapevine, Texas at

The boys couldn't wait to get there. Brock kept asking how long it takes to get to Texas.
We met my best friend Cathy who lives in Ft. Worth and we got a chance to relax
and let the kids swim and bond. It was a girls trip (Eric catered two weddings this weekend). We hadn't seen each other since 2008 so even though we talk usually every other week by phone it was great to just spend some time together.

Brock and Frank (Cathy's younger son) spent a great deal of time in the wave pool.
They are 6 months apart in birthdays...it was fun watching them become fast friends.

Guys do you know your moms have been friends for twenty eight years?

Benjamin and Blake goofing around by the mushroom.

Lazy river...aahh.

Cathy took Frank and Brock down the river.
I took the boys down the fast slides...the Howlin Tornado Ride was cool.
Cathy and I laugh...she's more the river floating type and
I'm more the Howlin Tornado type.
Everything is so campy...and they do a fantastic job of being kid friendly.
You know how important that is to me and something I'm always watching with other businesses how they cater to the kids.

Brock having a power nap. Can you say worn out?

The three amigos.

They swam till almost closing time...9pm.

Then we had late dinner in the Camp Critter Cafe...this is the lookout over storytime.

Lookout over the lobby and looking to the waterpark.

The boys had a great time hanging out.

Animal Paw on the wall. Love the big trees in the lobby.

When do we eat?

French fries and hot dogs in tin pail...love it.

Brock has food with his ketchup.

Breakfast Buffet

Talking trees in storytime

Thanks boys for taking mom on a trip.

Ben at Beartrack Landing.
I don't get an opportunity to be away from the tearoom because of our schedule on the weekends, but I'm glad we decided to steal away a couple of days for spring break. Its always fun when Cathy and I get together...no, it wasn't Padre Island or the beach (remember the days, Cathy?) but hey, the boys had a blast. I was thinking only 3 more spring breaks before Blake is a senior in high school. Its going too fast. Enjoying every moment. I hope the boys each have good friends that will remind them of when they were young and FUN! We all need more adventures and fun. Life can get so serious you forget to have fun.
My New To Do List...Have More Fun!

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