Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ten Year Anniversary Tea Parties

I'm a big person about celebrating anniversaries. Secret anniversaries that no one knows about but me are ones really worth remembering. Yesterday was TEN YEARS doing dress up tea parties. When I first started doing the parties I took it to the girl's homes before the Rose Cottage was built. I had time to hand-make the invitations back then. This was the first invitation I designed.
This was my first official tea party.
Brittany Atterbury
Saturday, February 26, 2000
It was her 14th Birthday party (which means now she is 24 years old). Is that possible?

Brittany and her mom Tamara.
The funny story was I was having my brochures printed up at Kinko's and Tamara saw my brochure and just knew she wanted to give her daughter the gift of a tea party.
She had nine girls in attendance. My good friend Stephanie Palen went and helped me with this first party. Thank you Stephanie I haven't forgotten those first 2 tea parties that you helped me with.
All day yesterday I wanted to celebrate by doing something special but we had a rehearsal dinner last night in the Red Room for a wedding we are doing at Walnut Creek on Sunday afternoon.
So I had to take this moment to make it official. TEN YEARS and today I have 2 more parties. One at 11:00 and the other at 1:30. I think about all those families and girls that have had their party with A Spot For Tea. Its just amazing when you start out on a journey. You just never know where it will take you.

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