Friday, January 22, 2010

January Winter's Thoughts

(click on picture to make larger so you can read!)
Its January at the tearoom:
I've been working on new menu's for the tearoom. I've added a new item which is Tres Treat Salad (3 scoops of our favorite salads, chicken salad, tuna salad and pasta salad on greens. Served with our homemade house dressing.

It was time for the menu to be in color and so we changed it. We have also added Scones to our dessert menu for everyday.

It's January, which means I've also been working on the newsletter and trying to get it out. It still has not come back from the printer but I am hopeful that they will be in your mailboxes by next week. We will have all the details about our upcoming special event: Valentine's Dinner which we will having again this year on Friday, February 12th.

I have been so busy working in the office that I haven't had much time to blog about all that has been going on. I don't know if anyone else felt this way but after seeing pictures of Haiti and the earthquake victims and hearing their stories everything seemed trivial to write about. Seeing and hearing those people sing in their midnight hour was just amazing and humbling.

Psalm 63:7 "Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings."


  1. Loved the photo of the two of you!

  2. We have been hearing about the bad weather that you have been having. Sure hope you are all okay!
