Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Joys

We have one last child in elementary school.
This year Brock had his 2nd grade program "Hot Chocolate".
It was so cute and the kids sang really well.

It really gets you in the Christmas spirit watching these kids sing their hearts out.
Eric, Blake, Benjamin and myself really enjoyed the show.
Then Sunday night we had our church's Christmas program for the children and pastor's Christmas party for the children afterwards.

They also sang their hearts out and the pre-schoolers sang Happy Birthday Jesus.

Brock is in the center looking up...I think he was singing to Jesus.

Brock poising with the Poinsettas after the program.
I know inside he's thinking..come on mom I want to go eat cake and ice cream.

Brock and Emily (elf) eatting cake and ice cream (yum!).
One of my favorite things: Children's Christmas programs.

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