Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. Before I walked out the door I got a call from my best friend Cathy (Skaggs) Higgins from Texas wishing me a Happy Birthday and only like a best friend can do, magically whisking me back to the days of college, sorority houses, sports cars and t-tops, fall afternoons, diet Cherry Cokes from Sonic and giving me strict instructions to have some fun today. Only those that know me from my younger days realize how funny those instructions are to someone whose middle name used to be spelled FUN!

We have known each other since 1982 when we were sorority sisters that just happened to become roommates. You really get to know someone quickly in a small space shared by three girls, shoes, clothes and lots of late night talks about boys.

Memories...there was the Masquerade Ball 1983 where I went as Bonnie and Clyde and she went as a Playboy Bunny with Hugh Hefner? Those were the days. She reminded me that its been 26 years that possible?

This was taken in 1988 after we were out of college and living in Dallas. Our friend Cathy (O'Donnell) Mills is pictured on the far left, tragically died a few years ago and we promised that we were going to try to live life better and remember what is important.
So I found a picture of my 280zx with the t-tops and I told her that even though the car is gone and the wind doesn't blow through my BIG hair anymore. Now I'm in a mini van with 3 boys. I promised I would try to have some FUN today.

The day started out wonderful with pink roses from my husband, sweet cards and balloons from our staff.
So Eric said we could go wherever I wanted for dinner so I chose to go out to Lakeside Grill and watch the sunset in honor of my friend Cathy's request. It was the perfect fall evening. NO wind, just perfect. We got to watch the sailboats glide along the water.

So I'm honored to be with my family out to celebrate.

My sweet guy is not one to forget my favorite things to enjoy.
A perfect sunset on the take in the moment.

Blake and Benjamin watching the boats.

Eric and the boys watching the sunset.

Perfect and peaceful and calm.

Goodbye sun...the day is done.

Under the lights..the lighthouse in the distance.

Back at home blowing out my candles!
Thanks Cathy for reminding me to stay the course,
have a little fun along the way. Enjoy the ride!
This ain't no dress rehearsal.
Thank you God for giving me this day and friends and family to share it with. This is from a card my sister-in-law Sue sent me and its for me and every woman I know:
Follow your dreaming heart.
Reach for your shining star,
Dance to your inner song,
Know how unique you are,
Hold out your helping hand,
Fly with your soaring wings,
Live from your daring soul-
Believe in what each day brings.

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