Friday, August 28, 2009
Back To School Tradition
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wall of Gratitude

and we appreciate your kind notes and your thankful hearts.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What Is A Scone Anyway?
When I trained with Magnolia & Ivy, Kay and Teresa taught me how to make scones Southern style with self-rising flour and cut with a biscuit cutter. English scones are much larger and sometimes triangular in shape. Scones can be rolled, shaped, or dropped.
The story is that Victoria Magazine sponsored a First Ladies Tea Party at the Four Seasons Hotel in November 1996 and Rosalyn Carter asked Magnolia & Ivy to submit their scone recipe. If it is good enough for the former first lady then we carry on the tradition of Southern scones at A Spot For Tea.
Having been born in Covington, Geogia while my father attended seminary at Emory University in Atlanta. I'm a true Georgia Peach and very fond of Southern baking. One of my earliest memories is my mom and Willie Margaret, a dear friend of our family, rolling our biscuits for breakfast in the morning. It only seems right to make scones the Southern way in honor of my heritage!
Scone baking tips: Make sure your oven is very hot, if not they will spread instead of rise! Place close together on the baking sheet. Us only shiny cookie sheets. Dark ones burn the bottoms. Story in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Reheat wrapped in aluminum foil at 350 degrees for 5-7 minutes. They do freeze well, but they never last that long!
Excerpt taken from Tea Time Scrumptious cookbook
A Collection of Favorite Tea Time Recipes from A Spot For Tea
Retail: $12.99 each
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Daniella's Tearoom Visit

Daniella is now 17 years old.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Keep Climbing

Why does a young man rise at such early hours six days a week? What motivates him to work as long as sixteen hours each day for a relatively modest income? And what does his wife Norma, gain from a life-style in which work virtually consumes the best part of every day?
Hans Rudi and Norma are purpose driven. Hans Rudi saw his role in the community as far more significant than the mere baking of a two-kilo loaf of dark bread.
The people of the valley can get along without meat. They can live without milk and other dairy products and they can forgo their vegetables for a while. But the one thing every Swiss family needs every day is bread. I must have the bread ready every morning.
The baker is sometimes the community chaplain. Many times, I will see a man or a woman linger behind the rest of those who have come to buy my bread. I know what is probably going to happen. They want to talk about a family problem or a personal matter that they do not feel they can share with the pastor. They think I'll understand. After all, I'm the baker, and I know about everybody's problems. I never talk about what I hear. They are sure I'll keep their secrets.
When asked about visiting America they shake their heads, perhaps in twenty years, but now we could not leave the bakery. The people of the valley need us to much and there is no one to take our place for many days. This is a couple who lives by purpose - one that far exceeds running a bakery business or selling the max number of breads. It marks their marriage. It dominates their choices. It says much about their sense of significance in life.
"But this one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." - Phillipians 3:13,14
It's not just a job to Eric and I - it's our purpose to be a sanctuary to our community in the disguise of tearoom.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Heart Story submitted by Margaret Keyser

I helped Tammy get started with her tea parties. My granddaughter Taylor was one of her first parties in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Next, Tammy took her trailer to my friend Peggy's home in Cushing, Oklahoma - set up table and chairs, beautiful dresses, shoes, gloves, etc. Taylor's friends and Peggy's granddaughters were the life of the party. I have another granddaughter Jordan whose party was in the Rose Cottage at the antique mall. There we had a sweet time with friends and family. Finally, we gave our third granddaughter Morgan a tea party in the new place where she is now located. Tammy has done lovely parties for me as well. She catered my husband's birthday dinner and special Christmas dinner at my home.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Heart Story by Ann Simonton & Sherry Sloan
As many of you know, for the last three years whe have hosted a Gingerbread Tea in December that benefits The Children's Center in downtown Bethany. In addition to the monetary donations we also collect personal hygiene items for the children.
For more information on the center and their services you can visit their website at
Little did we know that our own tea family would be needing The Children's Center facility.
On Monday, May 18th, ten year old Zachary was rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed with meningitis. He was very ill and became unconscious. He remained in ICU for six weeks with little change.
Zachary is the grandson of Sherry Sloan and the great nephew of Ann Simonton. He also is the brother of Candace, one of our hostesses that helps on Saturdays.
On Monday, June 29th, Zachary's family was told he had a muted chromosome (#15) which affected his ability to produce energy. This deficiency seemed to be the reason he couldn't wake up, his body didn't have enough energy. The doctors said that he may never wake-up or if he did wake-up, he could be anywhere from 0 - 100% himself.
On Wednesday, July 1st, Zachary received a trachea and a feeding tube. That evening, following surgery, he opened his eyes, smiled and seemed to know his family.
From that last day forward, he has made progress. He knows his name, his family, his pets and he DEFINITELY KNOWS that OU is #1!
He is currently experiencing rehab where he gets to go to gym, music and classes. He will be soon be going home (he actually got to go home on Tuesday, August 11th).
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Summer Where Have You Gone?
Over 100 family members joined together for 2 days of festivities.
Oh Man!
There is no planet, sun, or star could hold you,
if you but knew what you are.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson