Thursday, April 16, 2009

Heart Story by Terry O'Neil

Terry O'Neil is a wonderful muralist painter. She has painted all of the Rose Cottage area.

Heart Story by Terry O'Neil

Have you ever noticed how a relationship between two people can suddenly be intensified and brought to a new level with great benefit to both parties?

It's a God thing.

I have no doubt that the friendship between Tammy Seibert and myself was foreseen by God long before Tammy's dad decided to become a minster of the Gospel; or my son, John DeVere, decided to come back to Oklahoma; or Robin Hopper DeVere, Tammy's cousin, met John at a youth meeting. Within three months of that meeting John and Robin were married. A few years later Tammy's parents merged churches with our church. All our paths crossed and came together for God's purpose all under one roof.

Tammy and I sang many times together. Many people that know Tammy have not heard her beautiful singing voice. It's a pure, sweet soprano. very true, and I have never heard her hit an off note. All her boys were born while she and Eric were attending Liberty Chapel. In between the births of her three boys, she and Eric began her children's tea parties that they took to individual homes.

Then came the Rose Cottage at the Antique Mall. Tammy called and asked if I would paint murals on the outside of the little pink house. Eventually it became the Rose Cottage that is upstairs in the present location. I was thankful for the job and Tammy saw it as a fulfillment of her dreams. The next step on the journey was the large mural on the back wall of the Antique Mall. when tammy "inherited" the Tea Room in front of the mall, that wall was moved. Then, when she moved to the new location the wall was moved again! It has become known as The Miracle Wall because it moved twice and didn't break apart. I've been working on and off on the upstairs walls ever since.

It is so nice to have a lovely place to take your friends; to have a delicious meal with excellent tea in such beautiful surroundings. I've never brought anyone here that wasn't impressed with the food and the atmosphere.

Once in a while Tammy and I get to spend time talking about the Lord, His miracles and His blessings to us. We are so grateful for all He has done.

It's a God thing.

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

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