Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sabbath Rest

Blake, Benjmamin, Brock & Eric at the Lighthouse.

The Lighthouse at East Wharf was constructed in 1999 at Lake Hefner.

Sailboats resting on the water at Lake Hefner

Blake, Tammy, Benjamin & Brock biking around Lake Hefner.

Blake, Benjamin, Brock & Eric stopping for a rest.

Beautiful blue water calm as glass.

Brock standing on the rock wall overlooking the lake.

You could see the cloud's reflection on the water.

Benjamin enjoying lemonade from Louis's.

Tammy & Eric sharing some iced tea half way through the bike ride at Louie's.
Sabbath Rest

"All life requires a rhythm of rest. There is a rhythm in our waking activity and the body's need for sleep. There is a rhythm in the way day dissolves into night, and night into morning. There is a rhythm as the active growth of spring and summer is quieted by the necessary dormancy of fall and winter. There is a tidal rhythm, a deep eternal conversation between the land and the great sea. We have all lost this essential rhythm.
In Sabbath time we remember to celebrate what is beautiful and sacred; we light candles, sing songs, tell stories, eat nap and make love. It is a time to let our work, our land, our animals lie fallow, to be nourished and refreshed. Within this sanctuary, we become available to the insights and blessings of deep mindfulness that arise only in stillness and time. When we act from a place of deep rest, we are more capable of cultivating right understanding. In a complex and unstable world, if we do not rest, if we do not surrender into some kind of Sabbath, how can we find our way, how can we hear the voice of God?" - Sabbath by Wayne Muller

Today we went to church and counted our blessings.
We ate Sunday dinner at my mom and dad's house with my brother and his family all sitting around the table eatting roast beef and mashed potatoes. Yum! My mom is the best cook.
Then we went on a bike ride at the Hefner Trails in the afternoon. All the way around the lake and it was 9.1 miles of happiness together. It was a perfect 70 degree day with no wind.
It was a good day.
"If the Sabbath a delight...then you shall take delight in the Lord,
and I will make you ride upon the heights of the earth." Isaiah 58:13-14

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