Monday, March 23, 2009

Berry Berry Tea

Oklahoma Redbud Trees in bloom.
Redbud Trees all lined up in a row and saying look at me.

Berry Berry tea is lavender in color.

Our herbal tea is delicious!
Spring is in the air and showers are forcasted. On Mondays A Spot For Tea is closed for business but behind the scenes it is our shopping day. After I delivered all the goodies to the tearoom...I sat down in the quietness and made myself a pot of Berry Berry Tea. It's strange being there with no customers visiting or employees scurrying around. Enjoying a cup of tea on a cloudy day and thinking how beautiful the liquor of the tea and how it reminded me of the Redbud's blooming. Taking time to enjoy the moment of quiet. Taking time to take a picture of spring in bloom.
"And the day came when the risk (it took) to remain tight in the bud
was more painful that the risk it took to blossom." - Ania Nin

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