Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sea of Red Hats

Queen Jeanie Alexander presides over
Red Hatters Queen's Quarterly Meeting
at A Spot For Tea
Red Hatters love hats...and you know that holds a special place in my heart.

Ladies having lunch and sharing laughter.

These girls know how to party.

Red Heart name tags for February.

Jeanie giving some announcements.

What do 100 Red Hatters look like all together?

Now we know...they were a beautiful sight to behold!
Part of the pleasure of having a tearoom is hearing the laughter
and the Red Hat Queen Mothers know how to have a great time.
Thank you girls for choosing A Spot For Tea to host your quarterly meeting.

"Teatime is by its very nature a combination
of small luxuries arranged in social symmetry.
And althought tea for one is certainly a fine
thing, the addition of a circle of dear friends to
share it with ensures the whole is larger than its parts."
Author Unknown
Ecc. 3:11 "He hath made every thing beautiful in his time."

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