Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter's Day

These are a few of my favorite things on a winter's day
...a big roaring fire.

For The Love Of Charlotte Rooibos Tea in my glass teapot.
Rooibos grows only in the Cedarburg region near Cape Town.
The plant receives its name, which means "red bush" in Afrikaans,
from the green, needle-like leaves - when left out to dry,
they turn a rich red color.
It's an herbal tea and has no caffeine...
so you can do some relaxing.

Speaking of relaxing...love my fuzzy black houseshoes and black pajamas.

School's Out...icy roads and the boys behind our house in a snow covered field.

Three Muskateers sledding down the driveway.

Look mom...all smiles.

Benjamin sledding.

Blake sledding.

My favorite Hot cocoa for when they come indoors.
Combine 1/4 cup Hershey's Cocoa
1/2 cup sugar
dash salt in saucepan
sitr in 1/3 cup hot water.
Bring to boil over medium heat
stirring constantly; boil and stir 2 minutes
Add 4 cups milk;
stir and heat.
Remove from heat;
add 3/4 teaspoon vanilla.
Add whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.


So good to warm you up when you're cold.

Brock smiling and drinking 2 cup fulls.

Then popcorn and a movie.

One of my new favorites...Nim's Island.
We heard the cheers... NO SCHOOL TOMORROW.
So dad & mom took the day off too and put a sign on the door
Tearoom Closed For Snow Storm 2009
to keep our staff and customers safe.
Enjoying the moment of a winter's day with my boys.
Psalm 119:18 "Open thou mine eyes, that
I may behold wondrous things."

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this Tammy--The pictures of the boys are classic...whizzing down that hill. How fun....we miss you guys so much too :)
