Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Journaling the Journey

Oak Antique Armoire that holds all my journals and sketchbooks.
I have 17 journals and 2 big art sketchbooks.

The picture I drew of the Tea Balcony in June 2002.

Picture I drew of grand staircase in June 2002.

As many of you know, my parents co-own Walnut Creek Wedding Chapel at 122nd and Council and Coles Garden, and we are one of their in-house caterers. When they purchased the land to build Walnut Creek I dreamed that we might eventually build a tearoom nearby. At that time, we were operating the dress-up tea parties in the back of the antique mall located on NW Expressway. The Rose Cottage was 640 square feet and my dream was to own and operate a full-service tearoom.

In June 2002, before we ever moved into our present location I drew two pictures of my ideal tearoom. One picture had a staircase up the middle and the other one was of a tea balcony. I wrote these words in my journal on June 13, 2002:

"The Tea Balcony - this charming private room
is located in the mezzanine and is available for private parties, showers, birthdays, meetings and just about any special event you can think of for groups overlooking the main floor - you can view the tearoom down below."

The former restaurant went out of business in December of 2002 and the owners of the mall asked Eric and I to take it over and we inherited all the items that were left which was a huge blessing. We opened A Spot For tea in April 2003 (46oo square feet) and the picture with the staircase got forgotten and tucked into my drawer.

Fast forward to August of 2006, and the searching to find the perfect spot to relocate. I asked God for guidance and I knew He would lead us to where we were supposed to be. When I found the place I remembered the picture that I drew over 4 years ago. I got the journal out of the drawer and showed Eric and it gave us so much hope in the direction we were being led. If God could give us a picture of where we were going four years before we were to move....why be in fear of relocation? It's funny but God sometimes takes us on a journey that we are not quite expecting. He gave us all the things necessary to run a tearoom in phase 1, and He gave us the staircase and the tea balcony in phase 2. I've now framed copies of the above pictures from my journal as a testimony to the faithfulness of God and have it hanging at the front of the tearoom. You would not believe how many people have heard the story and looked at the pictures. God loves to get the glory and honor for his miraculous work in our lives.

Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us."
Sometimes even when we have forgotten about the dream the Lord still remembers what we have asked of Him.

I hope you get to spend some quiet time with the Lord and a cup of tea. My staff just gave me another journal for my birthday because they know how valuable my journals are. It is the only way for us to hear what He want to do in our lives. To get our assignments for the journey. He has a purpose and plan for each of us. It's so amazing that He could take A Spot For Tea from 640 square feet to over 14,000 square feet in four years. Thank you for being part of the journey and sharing it along the way.

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