Thursday, October 2, 2008

Heart Story by Julie Clifford

Julie playing the piano during A Spot For Tea's 2008 Mother's Day Tea.

Julie's daughter, Claire, had her bridal shower with us on
Saturday, September 27th in the green room.
Claire is pictured in the white dress on the first step.
Her wedding will be held at Council Road Baptist Church
on October 10th. Congratulations Claire!

Claire and friends in the green room.

Julie in the middle, her mom Lu Melton (love her) seated across
the table from Julie and her sister-in-law, Kim Melton (who I happened to
graduate from high school with in 1981 from Putnam City) is seated next to
Julie in the royal blue.

Heart Story by Julie

"Ok, it's tea time!" That's one of the most exciting phone calls I get from my friend, Lynda. The day she introduced me to Tammy and A Spot For Tea several years ago, I had no idea just what a blessing it would turn out to be! Lynda and I have started a monthly tea time together which keeps us accountable to one another and to God. She and I thoroughly enjoy a sweet time of prayer requests, praises, spiritual challenges, and fellowship each time we meet. And I most certainly could not forget the wonderful food that we are served!
We laugh, cry, and catch up on each other's lives. We pour our tea as we pour out our hearts. I've told Tammy before that the minute I enter A Spot For Tea, I sense a peace in my spirit. It's as though I am whisked away from reality for a short while and am able to enter into a time of relaxation and pampering. It's just something that every woman needs. It's a gift I give myself. And when I leave, I feel like I've had a quiet time with my Creator. God is using this place to rejuvenate my soul and re-fill my "spirit-tank." I also love bringing my friends who are experiencing struggles or who have had great disappointments in their lives. They, too, say how much they needed the calm atmosphere.
A Spot For Tea is not just a tea room. It's a place of ministry that feeds the soul. It's as if I experience a little taste of heaven and then I'm able to enter back into the world. Thank you, Tammy and Ashley. God is using A Spot For Tea to refresh many and help us survive the journey. I pray much blessing on you, your families, and all who help you provide this place of rest.
"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

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