Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Heart Story by Charlotte Nease

Aunt Jimmielou and Aunty on Mother's Day 2006.

Janet Overton and her daughter Lesli.

All the Aunts and cousins in the Rose Cottage!

My favorite heart story from the tearoom (by the way I have many) happened the first month after opening, April 19th, 2003.

My husband, Gene Nease, is the youngest of eleven children and our niece Janet Overton decided to christen A Spot For tea with an Aunt Appreciation Tea. She sent out beautiful teacup invitations saying:

"In honor of our Dear Aunts, Please join me for, A sip of tea, a bite to eat, picture taking and memory making. Our own Tammy Lyn will be our guide to An Afternoon in Days Gone By, Saturday, April nineteenth at noon, Queens Tea Room, Given by love by Janet."

Janet planned every detail and hand cross-stiched our place cards, made exquisite cream photo albums, silver tussie mussies with fresh flowers and wrote a special poem that made us cry.

Cousins came all the way from California to help us celebrate. One cousin Mill Nease from Arkansas even sent flowers with love because she couldn't attend. I enjoyed myself because I got to spend it with my daughter, daugher-in-law Misty and granddaughter, Cierra. We had three generations represented.

It was a wonderful day filled with laughter and tears. Since that tea we have lost Viola and Aunty but on that day we celebrated family, love and each other. Thank you Janet and Tammy for helping us make memories.

Aunts Galore

When I was little I thought all children had aunts
Not just one but many.
I later learned some children
Didn't have any!

No Aunty to make them turkey and dressing
A barn to swing from the loft in
Or all-day Easter egg hunting.

No Aunt Viola to wipe their tears to take them for stitches
And not even faint, thanks to Virginia's help and good wishes.

Not an Aunt Wanda ready with hugs and kisses
And stories of pigs on road trips,
"somone" thought were dishes.

No Aunt Jeanell to curl their hair and make them feel special
An no chocolate pie? Oh my goodness, how dreadful!

No Boodie, with Gunkels coming and going
To visit with while she keeps right on sewing
Always making something for those she loves
And hoping you are the one she is thinking of!

No Aunt Charlotte, barely sixteen,
when she joined the Neases back when
She wore bobby socks and saddle shoes and rolled her hair with bobby pins

So sweet to us all, we've loved her since then.
No Aunt Stella or Aunt Louella who left us too soon.
Or Aunt Alene who was like no other - we all miss you Mother.
So Aunties dear, on this day,
how grateful we are to have you in our lives.
For being wonderful examples of ladies, mothers and wives.

You've made all our lives richer, better and fuller.
We are blessed to keep you each in our hearts
forever and ever.

By Janet Overton

Grandmother Nease use to say "Beauty's only skin deep and ugly's to the bone....Beauty fades away but ugly holds it's own."

1 Peter 3:3-4 "Let not yours be the merely external adorning but let it be the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Tammy for allowing me to remember the special Aunt's tea that Janet planned for us at A Spot for Tea. WOW!!! What memories we have of that day, as we have lost 3 of those people in the picture since then.

    The rest of the story we must plan and enjoy our family and friends.

