Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gracie's Tea Time

Janie Moroz(grandma), Kari Moroz (mom), Gracie (sitting on grandma's lap)
and Trinity (pretty in pink).

Gracie in pink princess dress. Gracie wrapped in pink boa when she was just a baby!

Gracie started visiting the tearoom when she was just a baby. Her mom and grandma brought her in at an early age and she has been our customer now for five years. I've watched her grow up with delight and watched as Kari added another baby girl to their family. It is always so much fun when the girls visit the tearoom and we get to be a part of their childhood.

Janie and Kari have made ordinary days celebration with the girls and tea parties.

"Sharing tea with children is just one more tangible way of offering the gift of our time and our attention, sharing ourselves and passing on what we've learned." Emilie Barnes - If Teacups Could Talk.

"I can just imagine myself sitting down at the head of the table and pouring out the tea," said Anne." Lucy Maud Montgomery- Anne of Green Gables

1 John 3:1,2 "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God. And that is what we are! "


  1. Tammy,

    I visit your sight from time to time and always enjoy seeing what you are doing at A Spot for Tea. Visit to see what the Marmalady is up to. You have also been tagged today on my sight.


  2. Thanks so much for blogging about the Gracie girl! You and your tea room will be forever a happy childhood memory for the girls. This is such a treasure to me!
