Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wedding Season

A little father/daughter time!
My dad (Gene Nease) and I scraping dishes!
Dirty Work behind the scenes.

It's a family husband Eric Seibert (Chef Extraordinaire)
working a roast beef carving station at Walnut Creek Chapel.
Floral arrangement with fruit and vegetables!

Boiled Shrimp in an ice scuplture Wedding Ring at Walnut Creek Wedding Chapel!
Catering in the Royal Room at Coles Garden!

Vegetables and Dip cascaded in the Regency Room at Coles Garden!

Wedding Catering in the Royal Room at Coles Garden!

Waterford Ice Scuplture on Food Table at Coles Garden!

Wedding season is upon us. We had five weddings this weekend.
We cater excusively for Walnut Creek Wedding Chapel
and Coles Garden

"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Jim Rohn

We are so thankful working with family and catering for the chapel and gardens.
They have added so much to our lives and we are grateful for the opportunity to cater for the weddings at both places.

Proverbs 1:8 "My son, hear the instuction of your father; reject not nor forsake the teaching of your mother. For they are a (victor's) chaplet (garland) of grace upon your head and chains and pendants (of gold worn by kings ) for your neck."

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