Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Tea Experience

At A Spot For Tea, we treat the business of the tea experience, as a ministry and a work of art. The way we see it, the tearoom's mission is more than just making money. We really want to connect to our customers and feel that we are making a contribution to the world one person at a cup at a time. This is even part of the training not to hurry or rush anyone from the table. Tea is the perfect solution to slowing down. It's about taking a moment to sit while the tea is steeping and breathe.

As you wait for your pot of tea, take in the sights and smells all around you. Can you smell the vanilla muffins coming out of the oven? Maybe you've chosen 3 Flower Burst in a glass teapot and you are watching the tea leaves furl out right in front of your very eyes. Slowing down requires giving yourself permission to wait and experience calm. Hear the soothing music over the fountains as the water trickles to the end of all your cares.

Everything in this life that is worthwhile requires taking the time to enjoy it. Friendships and tea cannot be hurried. Whats the use of all our hard work if we can't find the time to be together with the people we care about? Just walking in the door makes you feel like you've entered another world. And isn't that what we are all after a little rest and relaxation in the middle of our hectic lives. Customers and employees have said it is like a sanctuary for the soul at A Spot For Tea.

"In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."
Isaiah 30:15

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